May These Words Find You

When did you become a ghost,
angry and walking away?
Bad words were said,
turbulence between us,
but I called to you,
asked you back.
These are harsh times,
many will leave
a trail of ash.
It is easy to forget
and difficult to remember
who you are
beyond the illusions
that tear us apart.




















Reading by the author with music by Dire Straits


12 Responses to “May These Words Find You”

  1. David Barnes says:

    a poem and a prayer for our time — doing the walk of life

  2. John Albright says:

    I love this poem. There is no going back, only moving forward and staying with the long journey.

  3. Elizabeth O Nunn says:

    Very timely, this poem about trails of ashes. I see them and wonder about such turbulence these days when it will take all of us to enfold events and each other.

  4. Jack says:

    These words have found me! Beautiful Don, thank you!

  5. Veronica Lim says:

    Oh, Don, this is so beautiful. We must all nourish and encourage each other, let a prayer of love and forgiveness spring fresh from the morning of our souls. Thank you, dear poet!

  6. Geoff Tisch says:

    Thank you Don.
    The milestones are noted and passed by. Onward dear friend.

  7. William Comer says:

    I carry a burden, my muscles cramp. I have made myself visible, but I feel yet unseen. It shall pass in front and Love shall endure.

  8. And you have found me, my brother!

  9. Rose says:

    Lovely, Don. The challenge of remembering, of opening for reconnection, of welcoming being found, is all around us.

  10. Tom says:

    Bless your heart Don. Timely words. This one brought a tear to my eye.
    Here’s to the endless journey…

  11. Carol Carlson says:

    Yes, I know this. Clear the connections.

  12. Chaz says:

    A simple and powerful reminder in these polarizing times: “…easy to forget and always difficult to remember, who you are beyond time, beyond the illusions.”

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