Peace of Kings

The roar of motors fills the streets,
compressors pound the roof tops
maintaining the illusion.
Quietly I lift the veil,
the sanctuary of old
intact despite the fury.
The peace of kings
rises from the darkness
and in the grey solstice dawn
one bright banner unfurls.




photograph by Louis MacKenzie


6 Responses to “Peace of Kings”

  1. Sylvia McAfee says:

    OH my… that is just beautiful… thank you for the share. Love to you this Christmas and New Year…

  2. Soma Hunter says:

    Personal sovereign-see is what I am about, Don. I see it in you through this beautiful poem. As the ONE CHRIST BODY emerges into consciousness in man on earth, my knowing of the spirit of my Lord and King, is essential and reigns supreme.

  3. Lloyd Meeker says:

    Thank you for speaking the peace of kings.

  4. Pichay says:

    Have we historical record of any kings serving their their people? Matters not. You do, and I do–that’s what counts.
    Thank you, Don

  5. Leave the illusion behind and hang out in stillness, where reality resides…..

  6. Elizabeth Nunn says:

    Lifting the veil, the banner unfurls.
    The banner that says, “Home”.
    The sanctuary of old.
    The sanctuary of now.
    The peace of kings
    Reigns within my heart.

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