Look into the Aloneness

We punish each other
and punish the earth,
separate from the land
that’s our story,
volumes of cruelty
with a few gems of grace
buried in coarse gravel.
I write to the sleeping
though they don’t often stir.
I write to the awake
to give them solace.
Today I write to you
remembering the rejected,
afraid to touch the scars.
There are years on this earth,
then days, then hours
and finally this moment
with rain in the sky,
wind lifting a solitary gull.
Look into the aloneness
of the sea and let
the sound of your heart
echo once more
on the rising wave.
We’ve drifted too far
yet amidst it all
we do sing.



Look into the Aloneness


13 Responses to “Look into the Aloneness”

  1. keith fairmont says:

    Don, this is it! Really points to the journey’s path. You beautifully describe a way to finding peace with ourselves. The few words ,”Let the sound of your heart echo once more on the rising wave” describe a book title, for to travel on the rising wave one has the entire sea creating that swell, allowing EVERYTHING behind it to be concentrated in the waves forward movement.

  2. Athena Coleman says:

    A beautiful depiction of the human condition, stated with artistry, grace and compassion.

  3. T Johansson says:

    Glorious, Spirit Brother! This broken world is tough on poets… and we are all poets…

  4. Bill Dare says:

    Great reminders Bro.

  5. Pichay says:

    We acknowledged “silence is golden” decades ago. Acceptance of aloneness is my quest. I don’t yet see it ahead, only signs of “Exit” along the Way, disappearing into the brush where Whitetail stand alert.

  6. William K Elbring says:

    My favorite for now. Thank you.

  7. Stan Grindstaff says:

    Finally this moment…

  8. Tom Figel says:

    Don, “the aloneness of the sea” is a very powerful phrase among other strong images in this poem. Thanks.

  9. Solace 🙂

  10. Allen Guisinger says:

    It is important that some acknowledge the truth of mankind’s condition. This writing does that so clearly.

  11. Don, such a lovely poem, this journey of our lives has so many touchstones, yet that thing deep inside knows the way and brings us rising to the crest. Thank you.

  12. Sarah Hanson says:

    I am full of thankfulness, Don, to know you and many other Angels here on this beautiful planet at this time…..Sometimes it’s a pretty rough go as you have outlined so wonderfully, so clearly, but our hearts kept open and aware peacefully guide us in the way of greater wholeness and purpose which is simply to bless unceasingly…..Thank you.

  13. Ann Cooper says:

    Beautiful words describing a very personal feeling for me. This is a favorite. Thank you for sharing your gift.

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