Birds return to the valley
crossing the sky, filling the trees.
The winter storm has passed
and though the rain continues
something has changed.
The slowly swelling branches
of the plum trees stretch out,
drinking in the cool air
as the earth awakens
to bird song.


painting by Eilish Hynes












11 Responses

  1. Yes, I’ve felt my personal cycle change, too – one storm passed, another forecast, but underneath the unstable weather, a quickening. Thanks, Don!

  2. Grandpa always noticed the signs of nature – the birds – my name Pinson in french is “little bird”. When I go out of my abode into nature, I remember the songs of spring. Even the false springs.

  3. Lovely, Don. With the blue sky this morning in Victoria, and the crocus coming up from beds recently heavy with snow, I concur!

  4. Your wonderful poem expresses exactly what is occurring here on Whidbey Island! So lovely, Don!

  5. Just now Sunday, the sky darkens and the temperature dips toward -8F. Maybe these Golden Willows envy your swelling Plums. Nevertheless, they know their cycles better than I.

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