When your cup is full
with what need not be
empty yourself
to the morning,
untangle the knots,
untie the line
and free the boat
of your precious self
on the still waters
of the waiting sea.

The world of things
will not reclaim you,
the endless debates
and terms of struggle,
yet beyond the door
of the ancient prison
green fields
await your coming.












Reading of “Beyond the Door” by the author with music by Van Morrison



11 Responses

  1. Balance requires changing perspective course corrections and acceptance of what is. There’s no like dislike or expectation…keep breathing..

  2. Thanks Don, a wonderful blessing poem about release! Leaving behind the unreal, ultimately the inconsequential, the emptied cup overflows with ever new content, called Life. As Van sings: “a soul in wonder” is our natural state.

  3. Don, my heart rests with this beautiful image, the music, and the sound of your voice. The words are profound. I can picture opening the door to a new, green world, running into the sunshine, and leaving what is no longer needed on the other side of that door. Thank you.

  4. I am attending a group poetry reading this week. This is one I plan to take – along with Mary Oliver and other good company.

  5. And when I free the boat of my precious self, it is not that I become uncaring, but my embrace becomes warmer and deeper because I am free. Thank you!

  6. Good one, Don. My life is a testament to taking refuge in nature. I remember reading Walden in my freshmen year in college. A life changer. I read and reread passage of that wonderful book.

  7. In this poem, and in its rhythm, I feel the “launch” from the shore, and then hear and feel the lapping of the waves on this waiting sea. This visceral experience adds to my resonance with this perfect piece. I too feel free–free of things…. This is beautiful. Thank you.

  8. Ho, everyone that thirsteth, come ye to these waters; let the cup be emptied of all that satisfieth not; read these words and hear this voice of many waters flowing from the everlasting fountain … “if your cup be full, may it be again” … thank you Don.

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