The land is wet
from last night’s rain,
the long slow drink
having eased the stress
on trees and grass,
for robins to unearth worms
from the softened ground.

Beside the gray sea
under cloud filled skies
I inhale the green world,
lungs drawing deep
amidst bird song
and rushing tide.

Come now my friend
does this not spark memory,
speak to the time
when arm in arm we walked
with no thought of separation?

Such are the rites of morning,
given to us without redress
by the fountain of the living earth.











Reading of “Beside the Gray Sea” with music by Valentin Silvestrov



9 Responses

  1. Thanks Don,
    Trust is so needed now to break the spells – the water, the soul is eternal – thanks for helping me remember to take nothing for granted and appreciate what is.

  2. The gift of earth speaks to our very being…………we are one! Beautiful, Don, thank you!

  3. Thanks Don, this is another reason why I enjoy the early morning, the world feels whole and I undisturbed….

  4. I’m mostly alone on my early morning walks wherever I am drinking in the sweet fragrance of earth renewing in readiness for another day amidst a chorus of birdsong welcoming the morning. This is a deep magical soul enhancing time where I feel the pulse of the earth and the joy of connection. I return uplifted and open, ready to participate in the work of creation that is mine. Thanks for this visual and soulful gem.

  5. Come now my friend — the timeless, intimate and irresistible invitation, Come walk with me, and remember, sounds through this lovely little poem. Thank you Don.

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