Dolphins fish the tide line
while I drop a threaded coil
to the dark within,
my hook baited
with the worm of desire,
the waters of imagination
stirred by the cast.

You are down there
among the remembered faces
looking up to the light
that shines in darkness.

I remember your gifts –
the paper wrapped parcel
as we said goodbye,
the rosary with a silver cross,
the treasury of your open heart.

You rise for one moment
then return to the deep sea
where the beauty of so many
rests in peace
to feed the living
as we continue.












Reading of “As We Continue” with music by Patrick Ball



10 Responses

  1. Your words capture my heart, for a sweet moment,, then I am gently released into the flow as we continue…

  2. Lovely… Loving the image of looking up in the pool from below… of the soul collective.

  3. Don, lovely and timely as Nancy and I remember the anniversary of a brother’s death. Thank you.

  4. A poignant knowing of our Oneness in this grand design of Love.
    Thank you my brother,Bless you

  5. “A threaded coil to the dark within”– it’s rich and draws me closer in. What is this thread is made of? I’d love to hear you describe it. A very rich and explorative piece. Thank you

  6. What a beautiful expression of remembrance of a loved one – personal, yet at the same time universal.

  7. This is so stirring to me, so recent the gifts honoured. I love the music and voice too – softly melded, and so tender. Thank you for this treasure, Don. I hear you, and meet you there.

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