Communion is hard to come by
when so much is based on untruth.

Addiction to lying
demands increasing doses,
until the body collapses
under the weight of its deception.

That’s why we live on half rations,
roaming the borderlands.
Vigilant for the outcome,
we know dark clouds will pass.

The storied days of the flowing river
and flourishing green approach.
Hold fast in dark-night splendor;
angels of light draw near.












Reading of “Angels of Light” with choral music by Morton Lauridsen.



8 Responses

  1. Don — Thank you for this beautiful poem on the eve of my 77th birthday. My “Angel of Light” has always been my patron saint, St Michael the Archangel. He has always drawn near when the dark clouds have not yet passed.

  2. Don, the “addiction to lying” requiring “increasing doses” certainly is apt these days. Glad for the approach of the angels. And for you.

  3. Thank you for this clear and genuine picture of life in these times. It’s how I see it, too.

  4. Dear Don, Thank you for this poem and reading with the music of Lauridsen, one of my favorite composers. Yes, you are describing in poetry the state of affairs increasingly in our country and the world. We who have agreed to let our lights shine have the responsibility to do so in a direct and practical way. Thanks for encouraging this. Love, Rick

  5. The half rations currently feeding my earthly soul lets it outwardly wordsmith in American English, while (silently, yet strenuously) I at depth emanate the “Ineffable”: the Unspeakable that is far above and beyond hollow words that blindly bespeak human dichotomies, let alone willful deceptions. This is our high and holy time when Angels of Light draw near; Now our holding-fast can hold Them dear!

  6. Moving more closely near to the Unconditional will draw up a blueprint each may fill out with the deep care of our Heavenly Hosts.
    Deviation is not in our collective solution.We know the answer as we have been taught with precision.
    Blessings and good health my kind Brother

  7. Your words are accurate and to the point. I truly love this poem. I am immediately drawn to the image of the “storied days of the flowing river”, having just read about the removal of four dams on the Klamath River, allowing the salmon to spawn, and life in general to flourish there once again. Angels of Light draw near.

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