The solar arc turns southward
as the high days of long light
begin their descent to autumn.

The aberration of war continues
yet beneath layers of leaf and root
an older rhythm commands:

rivers to the sea, hummingbirds
to cross the broad equator,
and soul to gather the ancient pulse
into a new day.












10 Responses

  1. and gather we will
    to allow the pulse to be broad
    to ride the tide of change…

    Thanks for your ever present words

  2. Note the ancient pulse of a super-nova, visible between stars 1 and 2 of the handle of the Big Dipper constellation, whose explosion occurred some millions of years ago in earth-time, its unfolding story only reaching us now, maybe visible through October. Its not in the handle but out a bit, forming a triangle with the first 2 stars of the handle. Go to an observatory for best view. Detectable view possible with binochulars.

  3. Let that ancient pulse guide us through our tragic disconnection with nature. It is a presence that is spread out across the world that tells us that there is so much more than our ideologies.

  4. Beautiful, refined reverance for what is in the words of this poem. It reminds me of that first smell and nip of new autumn air. Blessings and thank you!

  5. Tonight I find myself strongly resisting darkness setting in at 8 pm. Your poem restores perspective on what is really happening in the universe beneath my feelings tonight .Thank you for putting me in touch with the deeper rhythm–your words bring me peace.

  6. Autumn carries the assurance of birth and death, change and rebirth,
    thanks for your poem reminding me the ancient is here and now.

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