The altar of the world
takes our sacrifice,
each generation
stacked like kindling
on the stone slab,
struck by lightning
afire and burning
as a signal
in the silent dark
that the struggle
will continue,
and there is hope.


Waldron sunrise









8 Responses

  1. Thank you, Don. Release and continuity, ok. Struggle, hope and continuity, uncertain. I tend to link “hope” with “trying”…a red flag for me recently. Without strokes there is no swimming, only sinking.

  2. Like your picture says there is a hope that a new dawn produces a new hope, a longing, really ,for the inner realization of our Divinity and as your lines suggest we continue each generation lighting up with new hope and burning with desire. I love the thoughts this poem evokes.

  3. Its not as if we have choice … that’s life! Very grateful for your weekly rhythm, Don!

  4. In the continuum of life there is always hope and brilliance ………..thank you Don. Your poetry always touches my heart!

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