Ancient stones rise from the sea,
black basalt topped by towering firs.
Eagle perches in a crag,
crow lands in a juniper
calling to the morning.

I’m old with muscle,
root in hard to reach places.
Let the sea look for me
along the gravelly shore,
the forest as I walk at night
in fellowship with darkness.

I belong to the earth,
fearless in its silence
and across the water
I call to you, knowing
as in the long ago
we will find each other
in the timeless place,
cloaked in many colors.












Reading of “Across the Water” with music by Piano Tribute Players



9 Responses

  1. You call—I answer. We are each other in the body of the living earth, in the body of the iving man—ancient stones rising from the sea. Ancient and eternal voices sounding here Don. Thank you.

  2. Love the hard, craggy alliteration of “black basalt topped by towering firs” — I can hear the wind sing through them.

    I find myself calling to old friends more often these days, across the water and across miles, and listening to their calls, too — knowing soon enough we will stand together in the field of many colors.

    Love to you, Don!

  3. Thanks, Don. I like to walk at night in fellowship with darkness where I commune with the unknown with assurance that this is the place where I belong betwixt the known and the eternal mystery of the unrevealed.

  4. Don, your affinity and love for everything all around you comes through loud and clear in this poem. Heaven on earth is a sweet experience, and you capture that with these words.

  5. Oh, Don, this poem is so sad to me – haunting, full of longing. Yet it is beautifully affirming. Thank you, old friend.

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