Heartbeat continues
in the rain sound,
the sputtering stove
and inner breath
across the arc
from me to you
in the rich field
where all we are
remains forever green
and ready for harvest.



8 Responses

  1. Our life’s work…forever nourishing this vast field, green and ripe for eternal harvest. Together we also welcome the return. Life’s endless cycle.
    Deep appreciation.

  2. reminds me of the Rumi poem where he describes a clear field to meet in.
    The harvest comes so naturally when the we just follow the flow of life!!
    Much love brother! Keep up the great work and joy in creating poetry with words.

  3. Don, thank you always for portraying our reality with Life in
    simple and profound ways! What a gift it is to receive, and to
    be lived fully in our own unique ways.

  4. If any of you come to visit Thailand, come to N.E. “Isaan Country.” It is the most beautiful green-scape I’ve ever witnessed in my world travels. It’s vibrational quality is punctuated by the present many wats (monk communities and temples) singing heaven into creation. May we each be singing heaven into creation wherever we are…and thus done, creation is Forever Green. Thank you, Don.

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