The waters of life
flow across the wheel of time
bringing change and resolve.
While the horrors of war plague

the silent earth yearns to heal,
covering the graves with green solace.
Forgiveness is the antidote
for bitterness and hate, medicine
that requires repentance.

Let us meet at the earth altar,
bundle our grievances upon the pyre.
The fire will fall from heaven
to free us from sordid repetition,
our swords again become plough shares
in the wheat fields of the Lord.


photograph by Willard Walch












Reading of “Free from Repetition” with music by Samuel Barber



16 Responses

  1. This is beautiful, Don, carried deeper into the soul by Samuel Barbers music. I appreciate this steady pulse of Love’s Voice every Sabbath through you, brother.

  2. Don — PERFECT poem for today! Thank you! I was just thinking the other day about the horrible violence now going on in the Mideast, Eastern Europe & sadly, still everyday in our American cities. We can never give up on the hope & the prayer for peace on earth. Especially as Christmas 2023 approaches.

  3. Thanks, Don. Forgiveness contains within it the solutions to the plagues of the world of human beings. In such we create space for the Earth to provide the balm of healing so needed.

  4. Samuel Barber’s music immediately sets the tone for your deeply moving
    words. Thank you, Don.

  5. Eloquent, perfect for this moment.
    Yes, forgiveness and repentance, freeing us from sordid repetition.
    And all graves eventually covered with green solace – I am grateful.
    Love to you!

  6. Each phrase opens my heart to a deeper, seeing from eyes
    encompassing what we are so longing to embrace and lift.

  7. Choice? Sordid repetition: An ignoble, thus isolated, point on a hapless merry-go-round with no end and no true help? OR the most noble creative cycle of Repentance and Forgiveness, flowing in an ascending spiral of surrendered Resolve Upward and Heavenly Healing, as a matter of course.
    No choice at all, really — not for You and me …

  8. Ploughshares, indeed, for the future, and scythes for the harvest of that which is ripe.

    Thank you for evocative words to clothe the history of the ever-present now.

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