In first light
the clouded skies lift,
sun burning through
to warm and awaken.
Quiet lies upon the land
with the sound of birds
and echoing calls
of nesting geese.

Heavens open
to the waiting earth,
intimate the touch
on a rising whale,
the throb of hummingbird
and this human heart,
given as the ancients taught
to the blessing way.











Reading of “Blessing Way” with music by Norm Smookler.



8 Responses

  1. Feels like you opened your eyes after a wonderful meditation and described what you were witnessing. love the beauty described.

  2. That is so easy to visualize and to feel the sacred morning light. I can almost smell the freshness of the new morning. Beautiful Don!

  3. So beautiful, Don. I awaken to the fresh smell of Spring rain. I welcome the bluebird, the hummingbird, the western tanager, grosbeak, nesting house wren, and soon others. The welcoming way is the blessing way. There is an old Irish proverb, ” It is in the shelter of each other that the people live.” Thank you for sheltering the words of the divine.

  4. Gratitude, for walking with you Don, and many others, in the Spirit of the Blessingway

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