The sound of wind across the sea,
the lonely cry of gulls,
earth stirring in first hours
as I arise from the dream time,
humble before the forces
of light and dark.

Night the healer,
day for bearing gifts,
I’m quiet before the altar,
morning prayers
formed without sound
as the sun star rises
bright upon the water.

When asked for light
light is given,
when tired and worn
night is my friend.
Earth magic present
in the deepest folds
of time and place
where wind moves
across the sea
and the knowing
keep to silence.












Reading of “Earth Magic” with music by Norm Smookler.



7 Responses

  1. In different words, I’ve been having what I think is a related experience — a new sense of being held, of sweet belonging that I didn’t create, but that has been given to me. I feel it especially on going to sleep and on waking. I’m wordlessly grateful and happy in it.

  2. If only this rhythm of flow could be maintained!
    To do so requires letting go of so many other seemingly precious things. It’s time to reflect and make some new choices.
    Thanks for the consistency of your poetry. It too, has a rhythm to it for which I am most grateful.

  3. Don, could it be that some lawyer acquaintances of ours are silent because they have nothing to say, not because they are knowing? Thank you for this gentle new work.

  4. Humbled before the forces, in quiet before the altar, the endless flow. Your words are healing winds moving across land and sea – ever so grateful.

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