Returned to bird sounds
and rustling grass,
the morning quiet
nurtures my soul.

Glaciered mountains
span the far horizon
as the broad sea
slowly moves
in ebbing tide.

I forget to remember
what I’ve left behind
and with hunger quenched
by sweet beds of clover,
I wrap myself
in green world peace.











Reading of “Hunger Quenched” with sounds of blackbirds singing



9 Responses

  1. O Mother Earth — when at dawn, I greet you anew — I hear the destined quietude of our breathing each other in. I see what I could and can create in your surround; And I feel my upright bearing balancing in the core gravity your Being lifts up to the All that Is. And in that, All is well with my soul.

  2. It does not matter what is left behind, for there must be many piles of forgotten things, we let it all fall away, then we can see the earth, the sky and the many water things and we awake to what is underway. We live and we see and we also forget. Blessings on this nice poem.

  3. Don, in a handful of words, you have caught immense morning feeling. Your talented poems are a gift each Sunday. Thanks.

  4. Don—I love your pure evocation—essences distilled—no need to remember the past—we live now & nurture the Earth with true remembrance…

  5. How sweet and refreshing, Don, including the singing of the blackbirds.

    Listening, I, too, feel wrapped in green world peace

  6. An exquisite and potent little poem Don—your voice from within this green world peace taketh away the sins of the world; the photo is evocative; sweet the blackbird song—gratitude

  7. Don — Just caught up with “Hunger Quenched” today. Beautiful poem! Even some lawyers can appreciate your poetry. Thanks for sharing.

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