Quietly night slips away
into the western peace
of starlight and dreams.

As day rises with bruised faith
the shadows of discontent
can consume the light,

yet in winter dark
brave horses await their riders,
bearing a new earth
yearning to be born.


photograph by Doruk Yemenici









Reading of “Brave Horses” with music by Mickey Hart



10 Responses

  1. Hello Don: we awake each morning. we rarely remember what we dream. but the dreams go on. we can learn so much from them. Does that horse await me as a rider or just a viewer. Action does speak louder than words. Let us grasp hold of what we can, and spring forth anew.

  2. Thank you for this lovely and challenging poem, Don. Yes to Jamail’s comment. What is my/our role in the drama of brave horses awaiting their riders bearing a new earth yearning to be born?

  3. Don, in addition to appreciating the poem, I admire the thoughts Jamail and Rick have expressed in their comments. They are right: rider or viewer?

  4. ~ As for me .. .. I’m simply gonna mount up and ride .. .. the rest will be revealed.. .. I truly love the simple yet profound grace and beauty of these words ~ Thank You

  5. Yep, just step up and ride…the ride itself will reveal the next steps…….sure,. discontent will always be present. yet we must ride into the bright future…

  6. During our recent six week sojourn in Hawaii, I was up and out before daybreak most days for my extended sunrise walks to welcome the day, the sunrise, open to whatever adventure might come my way, my soul at the ready…and adventure came in many magical guises and memorable moments. The ‘horses’ were all around me ready to go with me to wherever the pulse of life took us.

  7. Thank you so much for this encapsulation.
    The Music, the discontent, the light, and the ponies at hand-
    all call out,”Ride!”
    The new bids it.

  8. Don-
    No wonder Pegasus was depicted with wings. Through time horses have been associated with flight to ensure their safety.

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