Rain falls gently on the dry earth,
the first relief approaching autumn.
As water seeps to deeper roots
I follow the rain through the unforgiven.

Below the hardpan there is new life,
waiting for moisture
to rise and wear the green mantle.

I must let go, receive the pardon
grace bestows on the repentant,
inviting renewal in all its wet glory
precious as a freshwater spring.




Reading of “Fresh Water Spring” with music by Abaji.



8 Responses

  1. Wondrous, tender and pure magic. My happy tears join the late summer shower, and I am grateful.

  2. Really lovely words carrying an optimistic tone and vision. Like a breath of fresh air of a cleansing shower. Thanks Don.

  3. Smiles over the miles, Don—fresh water spring moment by moment eternal cosmic provision!

  4. Don…just did a Tao te Ching retreat and one of the exercises was to enter a tree with our consciousness, expand to its limits and FEEL what it feels like to be a tree! Very powerful…

  5. It is a precious to share these moments of intimacy with you Don, friend to friend. Thank you.

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