The valley lies in darkness,
the earth pulsing with great mystery.
Trees vibrate in this pulse
as do the widespread seas.
Deserts shift in waves,
animals move in migration.

On the outer rim
the earth turns quickly
while at the center
there is stillness
and a silence
reaching through stone,
sand and water.

We may be spun by the wheel
or return to the core,
to the place of emanation
where life is born.

The forces move in procession,
water, air, earth and fire,
cleansing what must pass,
giving form to what is asked
from the deep heaven.

What may we bring to this altar
but our breath of thankfulness,
alive and enduring
through the dark night
to the living day.


photograph by Sandy Brown Jensen










Reading of “Through the Dark Night” with music by Samuel Barber



17 Responses

  1. Don’s integration of words, voice, and music is a layered sensory experience…sensual experience.

  2. Pulsing in harmoney with the eternal rhythmic breath. Gorgeous, mysterious and perfect. Thank you Don.

  3. Thanks Don, as we emerge out of the darkness listening deeply to the elements – the mystery connected to the dream and stillness of winter

  4. Don, the rhythm of a wave or quiet breathing is in this one. Thank you, and all the best to you in 2021.

  5. Thank you, Don. A fitting usher to the winter season. Samuel Barber’s angelic music provides carrier wave for your spirit. Thankfulness is all we can bring to the Gaia’s altar.

  6. Wonderful poem, Don. Indeed we move through the cycles pulsating with the gift of life centered in the core of all that is.

    Thanks for showing Sandy’s photography. She has the skills to match a great eye.

  7. Potent words & potent image…

    cleansing what must pass,
    giving form to what is asked

    Don, I join you in the Center…

  8. As I sit here, musing about darkness, it occurs to me that darkness is another kind of light we have yet to see.
    Years ago, I read about the full spectrum of light reaching from Maine to California. Humans can only see the width of a thin dime of that enormous spectrum of light that surrounds us.
    So today, I am seeing darkness in another way…as yet another light.

  9. Your wife has excellent taste in choosing gifts (like you!).

    Although arriving at the year’s end, I think this poem is a centre piece. We are so blessed by weekly invitations to draw round your fire, and look out at the night to the sound of your voice. Thank you Don.

  10. Such a moving piece and the music, “Adagio for Strings” is enhanced by your words. I love the gentle responsibility portrayed in the last lines, what will we bring to this altar? Gifts of hope, enduring love and resilience.

  11. Don, thank you for this perfect gift combining a gorgeous image with the timbre of your voice as you read your potent poem while Samuel Barber’s music enfolds the whole of it.

  12. I noticed that your consistent offerings are posted beginning in Dec 2009. That would be 11 years of at least 4 offerings, many months more. What a beautiful givingness on your part, sounding a steady rhythm of light and direction offered. If one were lost your words have been a beacon to return to the core, where understanding and stillness dwells. Thank you. Ed

  13. Don,
    Your connection to the mysterious primal forces and your ability to express it so exquisitely and so potently, deeply moves me. Thank you. What a gift to us all.

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