Lay down like the snow
wet and peaceful
in this wintry March storm,
your heart calm
as the white blanket
dusting early spring flowers.

The urge to upset
roils like a river,
hollows us for a harvest
we rarely understand.

Resist that threshing
with the power of silence;
let your soul come to rest
with the gravity of snow.

We’re all connected,
like evergreen branches
fed from below by dark wet roots,
while reaching upward
toward the light.


photograph by Tim Petersen












7 Responses

  1. “Resist that threshing with the power of silence, let your soul come to rest with the gravity of snow.”
    Such beautiful words clothing a powerful image, Don.
    I love the irony inherent in the symbolism of snow, with all its purity and unique form and light body having gravity and the comfort of a blanket.
    Brilliant. Thank you!

  2. Perfect! Just perfect for today in this unexpected freeze of winter, and wise thought for our world today. While the “urge to upset roils” in these unprecedented days, the word to resist that threshing is a low resonant note in my heart. I love the actual experience of ‘coming to rest’ in this piece; may that low, quiet but steady note ripple out. Wonderful, Don. I love it.

  3. I love the title, Soul at Rest, now awakened from winter sleep and ready to put forth as evergreen branches of the One Tree. Thanks Don

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