Maybe this morning
as darkness thins
with light slowly approaching,
words will fall like rain
to feed the roots of trees.

The trees will forgive us
and take our nourishment,
showing the way once more
to the deep cache of winter.

Maybe then we will know
the way forward through this night,
holding close the faceted promise
of earth’s one love.


encaustic painting by Eilish Hynes












9 Responses

  1. Thinking similar thoughts this morning…holding steady, reaching deep within and as high as I can to know the way forward through this night. It is but a season, but a powerful one that affords us the depths of true love.

    Thank you, Eilish for your beautiful gifts of your talent.

  2. “And maybe then we will know
    the way forward through this night”

    Could be a song, Leonard Cohenesque?
    Love poems, like this one, comes straight from the heart.

  3. Don – your words fall like rain in a continuous flow of poems from your spirit and your heart, nourishing, and promising only that which earth’s true love will bear through the womb of this dark and sacred night. db

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