I won’t be nourished
by the glittering parade
of the soon-to-be-forgotten.

Rivers run white
in the first storms of November,
mountains ring with the sound
of water rushing to the sea.

Let me go down with leaves,
choose the submersion of rock
in the autumn flood.

Let me rise in darkness,
be fed by morning silence
and choose each day to say yes.












10 Responses

  1. Ah yes… I’m feeling you…
    The abundance and beauty that comes from patience and the intentional path of ‘choice’… 💜

  2. Bedroom window faces Winter sunrise
    I greet the Sun every morning
    As taught by mentor Earl Old Person
    I speak “thank you” before each sleep.
    Simple power of choice. Freedom.

  3. Submersion. Immersion. Darkness silence yes.
    Going down I am held and held until I am buoyed up.

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