The wind is cold on rock point;
gulls cry out echoing aloneness,
crows bark to protect their young fledges
as eagle rides the thermals.

It’s warmer in the cabin, easier
to drink tea within the comfort
than here where the air bites
and a gray chill presses down.

She’s emerged from Her chrysalis;
I see Her moving upon the water,
lifting with the gusts
that blow the rushing tide.

I will be known in this place,
my life force dropping into bedrock,
reaching out to the occasional seal
and rippling water stretching to the distance.

Long bronze grasses bend in the wind,
sun breaks from a mass of clouds.
She is awake in Her subtle movement;
this is the moment I live for.



6 Responses

  1. I like the mood of this. Enjoyed the cold wind and water feeling (as in chilly skin) especially since it is so HOT in Arizona right now. Just read some of W.S. Merwin’s poetry, too, and can draw some parallels that I enjoyed.

  2. I wonder what would happen if we all placed our hands on the earth at once, just for a few moments, to let her know we outnumber the armed crusaders….

  3. I felt the calm waters and let my mind drift to the rocky shore where I sat in wool sweater and cap drinking in the salty air and lapping up the cold wind before it chilled my bones.

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