Losing grip, not letting go,
falling void yet holding
chord woven in light
to every mortal thing.

Bend deeply not to break,
supple flows, rigid softens,
secret flower held within
waiting to unfold.











12 Responses

  1. Thank you, Don. I substitute “loosing” for “losing” to apply to my quirky ways. Hahahaha.

    Gorgeous gift through you from the Mother. Gaia shows us this wisdom in myriad ways.

  2. Well, Marco, not a sonnet! He’d need another sestet to get that. Don, I love the central idea and imagery in this poem. The shifting verb forms unsignalled by punctuation, though, distract me from my right brain over to my left! (The “loosing” comment above makes no sense to me, btw!) “Losing” is correct and locks you into a grammatical obligation to continue the -ing parallelism…which you start with “falling” and “holding.” After that, all verb bets seem to be off, and the careful reader is left foundering for a place to stand from which to absorb the nuances you intend. Yikes! Sorry to be the only one commenting thusly…feel free to tell me to back down and be nicey-nice! 🙂

  3. There are plenty of logical paradoxes in the experience of surrender, not the least of which is triumph inside yielding. I think the poet’s linguistic choices are a healthy reflection of the reality being explored, and I don’t find them misleading at all.

  4. I liken this poem to an abstract painting – the image may not be clear, but the intent certainly is and that is what I see, what I hear and I find it accurate. The way these words flow convey much more than the mere presence of the letters, much more than the splash of paint I may be looking at – – – . I appreciate all the comments that further flesh out the experience of this piece.

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