We live within a circle of two,
not straying beyond our home
for a night and a day and another night;
the intimacy of life enough to feed us,
the food of our camp what we’ve gathered
from the clearing of our hearts.

Holding to each other
beneath the arc of sun and stars,
in the rooted soil where we are joined,
we burn back the pressing dark
with the fire we’ve tended,
alone together beside the river,
quiet as the trees.

Encaustic Art - Eilish Hynes
Encaustic Art – Eilish Hynes












7 Responses

  1. Such an exquisite poem! The images are so palpable and so very
    true. It makes me want to read it over and over, savoring the beauty.

  2. What a perfect view to reflect upon. After 22 years of loving companionship, we married in mid July and we began an unexpected up step into I new view of our lived and our purpose together.
    Your poems help us to see the way into clarity. Thank you.

  3. Methinks this one comes from the cabin up north. “Islands lure by challenging: on them one will find the jackpot, the iron bound chest, the outside chance. One will become Crusoe again.”-John Fowles
    Be so lucky to have another close to you and drink in each day as it were your first, as if it were your last.

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