When the Light Darkens

When the light darkens
the path twists,
becomes more difficult.
What will rise must have root,
the grace of a flower.
Let the earth be your ally
and the patience of stone
flow through you like a river.



photograph by Louis MacKenzie


7 Responses to “When the Light Darkens”

  1. Lloyd Meeker says:

    Yes, exactly this. I’m in uncharted territory, and I am focused on the energetic roots that make my forward movement possible. It’s not as simple as it sounds, in that appearances can be deceiving — shiny new age ideas and affirmations are not the same as roots.

  2. patrick says:

    Eloquent and timely Don!

  3. David Banner says:

    Don….yes…let the earth be my ally…it has always been ready to do that…..

  4. Elizabeth O Nunn says:

    When something is trying to come through and I feel but cannot see it, the patience of stone is required. Thanks for this image of stone and water…both have their own essence of patience.

  5. Tom Figel says:

    Don, I like the “What will rise must have root” insight in this. Thanks.

  6. Maria Frid says:

    Root, stone, quiet, darkness are all part of the design of growth. Thank you for this poetic reminder, Don.

  7. David Barnes says:

    Good little poem Don – out there beyond the words, too many sun lit days grow spindly legs, with bobble heads blinded by the light, left helpless in a world of shadows – with earth our ally, on sacred solid ground, at home in the dark, the path ahead is sure, and another dawn is certain

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