Ancient Wheel

Winter’s gift
returns to the valley,
rain soaked ground
drinking deep,
evergreens lifted
to gray skies.
Mountains gather
early snow, rivers
their wet season run.
With the sun far south
daylight is dim
yet under the soft hues
and blanket of rain
an embryo of new life
forms in earth’s darkness,
the gift of life reborn
cell by soaking cell
as the ancient wheel
slowly turns.




8 Responses to “Ancient Wheel”

  1. Eric Dunn says:

    Beautiful imagery!

  2. Robin Bryant says:

    What a gorgeous poem to greet this mornings blue skies and snow melting mountain tops. A new season arriving, birthing all of nature with new growth. May we all newly grow within this ” gift of life reborn”. Thank You Don!

  3. David Banner says:

    The embryo of new life IS awakening…but slowly!

  4. Veronica Lim says:

    What a beautifully haunting image, Don – Orion framed by a foreground of winter ice and snow, clothing the world in a mysterious shroud – from which new life will be born in its season. Truly a wonderment. Thank you.

  5. Susan Bennett says:

    the advent of spring…

    Always seems to be a miracle…

  6. tom wilson says:

    The intelligence and benevolence of nature is such a gift. I read somewhere that the Tao always unfolds in our favor.



  7. David Barnes says:

    “as the ancient wheel turns slowly” – How good to emphasize this ancient, and indeed eternal, reality Don! Everything is encompassed within the turning of the Great Wheel, ever inherent in human life and history, and in the story of the living earth of which we are a part. Perhaps we could well describe it as the original and ancient Water Wheel. Whatever images and metaphors are used in any poem you share with us, frequently the turning of the ancient wheel is honored – and so it is easy to honor the one who writes the poem and the poem itself. You too, Don, are evidence of the presence of the Water Wheel at work. Thank you once again.

  8. Snowy says:

    Beautiful, Brother.

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