To What Wanders

There’s always a place for an old horse
Though it can take no more to the long road.”
          – Tu Fu, 768


Gunfights and gone lovers

crowd into dreams

wanting their stories retold,

yearning to be remembered.

I sort each night

through their purgatory

adrift except a dream

give them taste

of life among the living.

In the morning

I leave the worn trail

knowing one day

I’ll look back

on those yet alive

but now here you are

returning my eyes

to the light of day,

the fruit of our tree

upon slender branches

with a river of green

flowing out from every finger

to what wanders in the night.


9 Responses to “To What Wanders”

  1. Lloyd Meeker says:

    Graceful, strong, eloquent. Just marvelous. Thank you, Don!

  2. david loyd says:

    Well, hell, another fine poem you’ve gotten us into.

    Do you get the Walt Whitman Tuesday postings? They’re cool.

    So are you.

  3. Pichay says:

    Amazing, Don! You’ve just retold what I experienced this week when a gone lover resurfaced in my awareness, and I searched my memory file, still not understanding why we parted; but sent loving thoughts her way. Then, came her message in my inbox, reaching for my hand in her dark moment. I turned my Light in her direction and offered a helping hand across the swollen stream. My response to What Wanders…in my world.

  4. David Banner says:

    Wow! Poignant, brilliant, full of rich feeling……bravo!

  5. Sylvia says:

    Lovely and sweet. Thank you, Don.

  6. For once the somewhat uneven grammar/punctuation works in your favor because of the nature of the poem to dive deep and surface. This is one of my favorites of yours.

  7. Marco says:

    Thank you Don. I’ve been musing recently on the role of dreams and sleep in the process of creation … wondering on how little consideration I have given on circa 30% of my life. Thank you for focusing the light of your thought on it.

  8. Betty Doerr says:

    So beautiful.

  9. Francine Ladd says:

    yes, very nice, reading a lot about dreams & it all fits unconsciously well!

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